
Here you will be putting every day a dinosaur and features. Let's start with the Cambrian. The Cambrian is within the Paleozoic and dates from 540 million years ago and ended 500 million years ago the first time and lasted 40 million years. Here is the main beings (Dinosaurs)

 Haikouichthys (Agnatha)

As you can see in the picture there is no fossil that is because there are very few specimens and most are in museums.

          Kingdom:  Animalia                                     

          Phylum:          Chordata
          Superclass: Agnatha 
          Order:  Myllokunmingiida 
          Family:  Myllokunmingiidae 
                                                                  Genre:  Haikouichthys 
                                                                  Discovered in: 1999

Estaingia bilobata (trilobites)

- This species is arthropod, appeared in the Cambrian period (beginning of the Paleozoic, about 540 million years ago), and began to diversify and in the Lower Cambrian. After the mass extinction of the late Cambrian survived only forms inhabiting pelagic environments, deep water.

   Kingdom:  Animalia
   Phylum:  Arthropoda
   Subphylum:  Trilobitomorpha
   Class:  Trilobita 


Anomalocaris ("strange shrimp") is a genus of extinct animals, belonging to the family of anomalocarídidos, which is related to arthropods. It is estimated that Anomalocaris existed between early and middle Cambrian period, since approximately 525-510000000 years. 

Kingdom: Animalia                                                                                    Phylum: Arthropoda                                                                                   Class: Dinocaridida                                                                                                                                           Order: Radiodonta                                                                                                                                             Family: Anomalocaridid


The Waptia is an extinct arthropod, lived in the Lower and Middle Cambrian (between 525 and 505 million years) .This beast was like a shrimp, and probably represents one of the oldest known crustaceans. Perhaps the Waptia, about six inches long, was a swimmer, who moved through the gills and the long tail telson. 

Domain: Eukaryota
                                                       Kingdom: Animalia
                                                       Phylum: Arthropoda
                                                       Subphylum: Crustacea
                                                       Order: Waptiida 
                                                       Genre: Waptia

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